AMES, Inc.

** AMES' Panel Shop is UL508 Certified **
- Custom Pump Control / Alarm / Monitoring Panels
- Liquid Level Controls (Ultrasonic / Submersible Transducer / Float Switch)
Anue Water Technologies

Controls & Appurtenances
Mechanical FOG Control
- Corrosion Control
- Odor Control
- FOG Control
- Water Reclamation & Disinfection
Tigerflow Systems, Inc.

Packaged Systems
Engineered Packaged Skid Mounted Systems
- Water Booster Systems
- Seal Water Systems
United Blower, Inc.

Specialty Products
Blowers and Engineering Solutions for Water and Wastewater Treamtment
- Positive Displacement
- Turbo Blower Systems
- Regenerative Blowers
- Sliding Vane Compressors
Zurn Green Turtle Technologies

Water/Wastewater Treatment
Grease, Oil & Sediment Separation
- Grease Interceptor
- Oil & Solids Interceptor
- Sediments & Solids Interceptor
- Hair & Lint Interceptor

Packaged Systems
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Grewater Harvesting
- Stormwater Harvesting
- Condensate Harvesting